Review of the Month: March 2022

5 min readApr 6, 2022


In this Review of the Month, there is a lot to recap on a busy, successful, and milestone month for Clearpool. With the highlight being the launch of the Clearpool Protocol on the Ethereum mainnet, here’s a look back at everything we did this March.

Mainnet Launch

After months of hard work and anticipation, the Clearpool Protocol was officially deployed to the Ethereum mainnet on the 23rd of March. The launch was a huge success, with the genesis pools launched by Amber Group, Wintemute and Folkvang all attracting immediate flows of liquidity from both retail and institutional lenders.

Prior to the launch, the Clearpool team had received capital commitments from a number of liquidity partners, including CoinShares, GBV Capital, Sino Global Capital and Hex Trust, and post-launch the protocol has attracted further flows from more institutional lenders from both the crypto and traditional markets. Within 2 weeks of launching, the total pool size had reached USDC 50 million and is expected to continue to grow as more new borrower pools are launched.

We have recently deployed the fourth borrower pool, launched by FBG Capital, and the team has a further pipeline of borrowers who are lining up to open the next wave of pools over the coming weeks and months. To start lending to top-tier borrowers and enjoy market-leading returns, check out the mainnet here:

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Clearpool Successfully Completes Audits

Clearpool has completed audits from industry-leading auditors in the crypto space, Certik, and Pessimistic. The audits serve as a promise of transparency and dedication toward the safety of our product for both borrowers and lenders. As we continue to build, deploy more borrower pools and add new features & updates to the protocol over the coming months, we will also continue to prioritize security and safeguard all funds deployed to Clearpool.

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Updated Details on $CPOOL Staking

As we progress with the development of single-token staking and rewards farming, we shared what to expect in terms of CEX staking in the coming months following the mainnet launch. We launched new $CPOOL staking pools on KuCoin and AscendEX. The new CEX staking rewards were set at 50% APR which will continue for approximately 1 month following our mainnet launch. Following this, CEX staking rewards will decrease further and eventually be phased out.

CPOOL staking and rewards farming are currently under development and testing and the team looks forward to providing more exciting details on the final mechanism soon.

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Website Update

With the launch of the Clearpool App attracting huge interest from the crypto community, many new Poolsiders have asked for more details on how Clearpool works. Click here to see an updated version of our GitBook pages, filled with information including FAQ sections for both borrowers and lenders.

Clearpool in the Community

QREDO & Clearpool AMA hosted by Lunatic Station

Shortly after announcing our partnership with Qredo back in February, our CEO and co-founder, Robert Alcorn joined Josh Goodbody from Qredo for an AMA hosted by Rick from LUNAtic station. During the AMA many interesting concepts were discussed including the “wall” of TradFi capital which will enter DeFi and how Clearpool has fast-tracked the development of ‘Permissioned Pools’ given the high demand from big-name borrowers which we will be announcing soon.

Play Recording

Product Demo with Folkvang​​

Before the mainnet launch, we showcased the Clearpool App along with one of the protocol’s genesis borrowers — Folkvang. The product demo was hosted by Clearpool co-founders Robert Alcorn and Jakob Kronbichler, alongside Mike van Rossum the founder of Folkvang. During the webinar, they discussed how Clearpool is an ideal solution for crypto native institutions like Folkvang looking to scale up their operations and also showed how easy it is to use the protocol. In case you missed it, watch the recording above!

Clearpool Team Update

Clearpool’s New Ambassador​​

Clearpool announced its first ambassador, Sharavana Rao. We received numerous applications from people who can provide value to Clearpool in multiple different ways. But as Clearpool is an institutional platform designed to bridge TradFi into DeFi, we realized from the start that many concepts in our project can be difficult to understand for those who don’t have a background in finance.

This is why we decided to bring Sharavana on board given his experience working with tech companies and helping to train and educate their teams. Sharavana’s experience creating educational content and breaking down complex topics into easy-to-digest forms is an important aspect to bring to our community.

To introduce Sharavana to our Clearpool community, here’s a Q&A with him where he covers his motivations and his trust in Clearpool’s protocol Welcome to the team Sharavana 👋.

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ETHDubai and Binance Blockchain Week

The Clearpool team was in Dubai for the last week of March to attend ETHDubai and Binance Blockchain Week. Attending both internal and external workshops and planning the future vision for our protocol has led to new and exciting ideas which we’re excited to announce over the coming months.

Thanks for your continued support, Poolsiders! We keep building 💪🛠️




Written by Clearpool

Clearpool is a decentralized credit marketplace. Website:

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